Microsoft Student Associate Program

Hello, I’m Pranay Shali pursuing B.Tech in Information Technology at JB Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad.

How Microsoft has impacted my life and How I plan to bring a change to the society being a Microsoft Student Associate?

This is my story with Microsoft.
I’m 19 and from the moment I remember Microsoft was always with me through out my journey till date. Microsoft had its first insight to me when I was in 3rd standard. and at that age the only picture which used to grab my eye balls is Windows 98 logo. I still wonder how excitedly I used to make colourful circles, rectangles in MS paint.
The days where I used to play pin ball, summer days where I worked first time on Microsoft Office for project work. Microsoft is so user friendly which helped me understand those in mid days of my school itself.
In short when I was around 13, I got my own Personal computer packed with Windows XP operating system. I should say this brought me the enormous interest on computers. Where I just wanted to know every single thing about it. This made me stick to computer like a glue for many long straight hours. The knowledge I grabbed from doing that helped me in some or other way. This made a great impact on my career. This interest over computers only led me to opt Information Technology in B.Tech.


Microsoft has changed our world and still continuing in doing it. The same way Microsoft also changed my life. My passion for technology grew when I started my engineering. It made me to think “what is that product which is something beneficial and innovative?” I would say the answer is always “Microsoft”. It provided me with various services where I can work offline or online compatible on different devices. It always encouraged me by introducing new products and services which fascinated me a lot. which includes Windows 8,Windows phone os,Microsoft office,Bing,Xbox,skype,visual studio and many. It is not really easy to explain the importance and contribution of each product.
The moment when I got to know the initiatives taken by Microsoft for supporting students
My passion for Microsoft became so stronger. The programs like dreamspark, virtual academy, Imagine cup in my college made me closer to Microsoft. It helped to bring out the techy in us. This type of valuable resources offered by Microsoft helped me excel in my field and it increased my passion for working with Microsoft and ultimately to be an tech-geek.



Microsoft has been changing itself every moment in order to give the best and affordable services to the users. Microsoft has been a true inspiration and had a major impact on me.
Motivations from the leaders like Bill gates and Satya nadella are always boosting to achieve our dreams.

How I plan to bring a change to the society being a Microsoft Student Associate?

As an MSA, My aim is to bring all students participate in Microsoft initiatives taken to support students. Increasing awareness among students about Dreamspark, Virtual academy, Imagine cup through regular meet ups, Sharing information on Blogs, Social media etc.
I wish to form a group of MSA students in my college including the energetic, interested, enthusiastic technocrats which helps me to gather technology aspirants which in turn helps in sharing ideas and learnings for mutual benefits. At the same time being an MSA will give me an opportunity to get more familiar with technology, access latest Microsoft initiatives, and increase my skills.
I plan to organize various sessions, activities, workshops in my college on Microsoft technologies and its latest advancements. I like to encourage my fellow students to work on Microsoft products by illustrating their importance over other products. This becomes a bit easy to reach as our college is already equipped with Microsoft innovation center and Dynamic center.

Finally, I would like to express my passion to contribute to Microsoft progress and associate with it for social benefits.
Thank you.
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